Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Creating Relationships with your local subcontractors

In this time of submitting lean and nimble proposals, it really helps when you have good relationships with your local subcontractors. A core group with the perspective that as a team we will do all it takes to get this project. But if you’re new to an area, how do you create those relationships? After working with three fortune 400 hundred companies and now working on my own, that has been a bit of a challenge. Considering I don’t have that big name that tells everyone who I am and how I work in the industry, I have to be creative.  Using networks like ABC, AGC or bluebook will get you bids, but how do you get the BEST number and build a loyal network without ever working with the Key subcontractors in your area? Well the answer is simple, just as you market to your owners you need to market to your subcontractors. I have invited subcontractors over to my office, fed them lunch and walked thorough who we are, our vision as well as our core values. This luncheon is a one on one, introducing them to our contracts, how we pay our subs and what projects we are looking to bid. I also believe in co-op training. Once a month allow a subcontractor to come into your company and train on what they do, issues they encounter and allow them to market their services.  If you are truly looking to form a relationship with the best local subcontractors, you have to let them know who you are and why they should work with you!  Invite larger subcontractor and also invite minority subcontractors for a lunch networking group in order to cultivate a team for government projects that require a certain percentage of minority participation, and this event will help your company get to know the subcontractors as well as supporting the community.  Being proactive is the key. Once a week, meet 1 subcontractor for coffee and begin to get to know who’s doing what in your area.

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